I had known that there was 10 Commandments long before the time of Jesus, and another significant commandment was given from Jesus Himself, but what I was not completely aware of in full detail was that the Catholic Church, modern, as we know it today, had five more commandments to it’s faithful.
The first of the five is to attend mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, as well as to refrain from servile labour on these same days. Attending masses is an important way of displaying symbolic virtue, I myself do uphold these beliefs.
Two holy days of obligation that sometimes do not fall on Sundays are the solemnity of Mary, on January 1st, and Christmas on December 25th.
The second requires that Catholics confess their sins at least once per year, a popular time to do which occurs at the beginning of lent. Each year at the beginning of lent, I attend confession here at the school. It is of great importance that Catholics bring our sins to God so He can forgive us.
Third, the church requires that practicing Catholics who have received their first communion to receive the Eucharist at least once during the Easter season, which lasts from Easter Sunday until Pentecost; 50 days thereafter.
The fourth calls for us to be aware of days in the liturgical year which call for fasting and abstinence. This means to fast during lent, observe abstinence from meat on Fridays during Lent and on Ash wednesday.
Fifth and final, this commandment asks to for us to help in providing for the needs of the church. While the long and well-known law of the church which imposed a tithe to be paid to fund the church has been abolished in our clergy here in Vermilion, we can still help out in the way of funding. Each Sunday during the preparation of the gifts after the Homily, Gloria, reading of the Nicene or Apostles creed, there will be baskets passed around meant to collect money. There is no designated amount of money to be paid, unlike a tithe. Our donations help to fund the church and accomplish its goals and needs.
In conclusion, these five precepts are a monumental part of the church in the modern day. Reflection upon these commandments now that I’ve gone and taught myself a thing or two goes to show that each precept is very quite rather relevant in life as a practicing Catholic.